nottingham trent university


A complete marketing and rebranding package for the Advanced Textiles Research Group at Nottingham Trent University.

Including a suite of focus explainer videos, promotional feature videos and hi-res photos for expositional and promotional use.

Studio Softbox have risen to the rigorous demands of the mixed scientific and artistic approach that we require to help us show products and processes to a wide range of potential collaborators.
— Dr Dorothy Hardy, Research Fellow in Manufacturing of Functional Electronic Textiles
Advanced Textiles Research Group by Jim Boxall @ copyright 2019.png
Advanced Textiles Research Group- by Jim Boxall @ copyright 2019.jpg
Advanced Textiles Research Group- by Jim Boxall @ copyright 2019.png
Studio Softbox have produced sophisticated material for us that is extremely useful in a multitude of ongoing projects. I have particularly enjoyed their collaborative approach, where we discuss as we go and they rapidly find solutions. I highly recommend Studio Softbox’s video and photography work
— Dr Dorothy Hardy, Research Fellow in Manufacturing of Functional Electronic Textiles

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