stories of us


A social photography project designed and undertaken by Studio Softbox and partners to highlight food poverty in the UK by recording dignified and empowering portraits of food bank users and their stories. To date the project has toured six cities in the UK.

Along with being shown on channel 4 news and exhibited at the House of Commons in London to coincide with world food day as well as City Hall London to push for the government to officially measure food insecurity levels in the UK.

Hunger is not an issue of charity. It is an issue of justice.
— Jacques Diouf
John Nottingham -  Stories of Us - @storiesofusuk - Copyright Photo by Ursula Kelly @ Studiosoftboxuk.jpg
It’s one thing to make a picture of what a person looks like, it’s another thing to make a portrait of who they are.
— Paul Caponigro 1932
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Behind Closed Doors leaflet-1.png
A wonderful project: Ursula Kelly uses photography to raise awareness about the problem of food insecurity in the UK, visualising the diversity of food banks and their stories
— Miranda Lubbers- Associate Professor and GRAFO Research Group Director

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